Happiness | Florine Clomegah - Freitas
Surest ways to Happiness by Florine is a succinct analysis of the factors that can help make a person happy despite difficult situations or circumstances. This book doesn’t tell you what to do, it tells you how to do it.
We often forget our roots while trying to survive in the rat race. We chase instant happiness through material possessions, the ideal job or spouse, a coveted promotion, or an exotic holiday. In the end, there is an emptiness that makes us search for new avenues for happiness.
This book puts an end to our needless quest for nirvana. It reminds us that genuine love in its varied forms brings everlasting joy. It introduces us to the power of meditation and teachings of spiritual teachers. Excerpts from religious scriptures enlighten us on ways of attaining happiness from within.
Florine Clomegah – Freitas is an alumnus of the University Pantheon Sorbonne in Paris, the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, and the Civil Service College in Sunningdale. Her fascinating journey as a daughter, friend, humanitarian director, and senior corporate trainer made her realise the extent of unhappiness in people’s lives.
She believes that rather than being selfish, vengeful, and treating bad experiences, failures, even death, as broken crystal that can be easily replaced, there is another way forward for attaining happiness.
This is her debut book.

ABOUT THE BOOK - Happiness
Happiness is the eternal quest of humans. From fleeting pleasures to deep and abiding joy, moments of intense emotion to boundless optimism, each one of us has his definition of happiness. While human beings do not necessarily share the same definition of happiness—the word is difficult to define—one thing we can agree on. We all thirst for happiness and wonder how to be happy. Is there a way to find happiness? Is there a path that can lead us to it unerringly?
In this book, we will look at how happiness can be achieved. Is there a recipe for it?
Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or Muslim, you have the same right to the pursuit of happiness. This book aims to explore the way to happiness and find happiness on the way.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781982278151
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781982278175
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781982278168